Todays prompt is asking if I agree or disagree that a person
clothing or looks is more important that the person’s ideas to succeed. I
personally believe that this is a very difficult prompt because I believe in
both. Nowadays I’m sure society agrees more towards a person’s clothing or
looks rather than their ideas in order to succeed. If a person has the looks
and clothing to get a persons attention, then talks to them about their great
ideas, they are the ideal people in this case. For example, Albert Einstein was
definitely not the most handsome person in the world. He might not have even
worn the best clothes or fashion that most people adore, but he definitely had
amazing ideas. With his ideas, he became pretty much the smartest man in the
world. That to me is such a great experience. Out of 6 billion people and you
are being named the smartest in the world. Another example was the 1960
presidential election between Richard Nixon and eventual winner John F.
Kennedy. When the two presidential contenders were debating against each other,
their debate was being broadcasted on the television and also the radio.
History shows that the people who listened to the radio and only heard the
ideas of the two presidential candidates most likely voted for Nixon because of
his ideas. However, the people who had seen the debates on live television
tended to vote for Kennedy because he was clearly the more handsome man.
Ofcourse that is not the only reason Kennedy won, but that had influenced him
to win. This shows that even in America, a person’s looks might be looked at
more than a person’s ideas. Even in America nowadays, I truly believe that a
person’s looks or clothing is a lot more important that a person’s ideas in
order to succeed. Most successful people in America are good looking in my
opinion. This just shows how America suppresses its peoples in a way that
teaches them that looks and clothing is more important than a person’s ideas.

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