Sunday 1 December 2013

One book that benefited me the most

In all honesty, I have not read many books in my life. I am the type of person who doesn’t really enjoy reading, but there were a couple of books in the minor amount of books that I have read in my life that I actually enjoyed reading. I’ve read books like The Good Earth, Great Gatbsy, Hunger Games, but this one book that I read is not like any of these books at all. The book that benefited me the most is called, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This book was originally from my father’s bookshelf but he told me that I should read it one day because it is so beneficial in life.

The Secret posits that the law of attraction is a natural law that determines the complete order of the universe and of our personal lives through the process of "like attracts like". The author claims that as we think and feel, a corresponding frequency is sent out into the universe that attracts back to us events and circumstances on that same frequency. For example, if you think angry thoughts and feel angry, it is claimed that you will attract back events and circumstances that cause you to feel more anger. Conversely, if you think and feel positively, you will attract back positive events and circumstances. Proponents of the law claim that desirable outcomes such as health, wealth, and happiness can be attracted simply by changing one's thoughts and feelings. For example, some people believe that using the Secret can cure cancer. I am among one of those few that believe it. My dad had cancer but when he started reading this book, he got healed from cancer. Of course the other treatments had a great effect too, but the Secret probably helped saved my dad’s life.

The book begins by introducing and explaining the mechanisms of the law of attraction, and then goes on to describe its past functions and the great men and women in history who are claimed to have controlled its power. The book describes the law as a magnetic power emitted through one's thoughts. The power of thoughts is associated to a transmission tower that sends out a frequency to the universe and then returns the same frequency in a physical or elemental form. So what you think is literally what you will get. Well of course you can’t just think to get a Lamborghini and then pop its there, but if you truly believe in yourself that you’re going to get a Lamborghini in the future, it will surely come to you. If you keep saying, “I don’t have money”, you literally will start to not have money. That’s why you should always imply that you have money. Sending that transmission to your head will tell the body that you have money and there is nothing to worry about.

The law works whether you know about it or not, or believe in it or not. Yet once you do, an amazing possibility emerges: you can “think your life into existence”. In observing the incredible imbalance of wealth on our planet, Byrne offers this as the reason: People who are wealthy think only thoughts of more wealth - “They only know wealth, and nothing else exists in their minds.” Even those people who have made a fortune then lost it, most become wealthy again before long. This is because they remain focused on abundance all the time, despite current circumstances. The law of attraction must deliver to them the equivalent of their dominant thoughts.
This has benefited me personally into thinking brightly of things and thinking the correct thoughts on how I want my life to be. The Secret truly does work and it is fascinating. The three things you need to do in the Secret are:

Ask. Believe. Receive.

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