Tuesday 5 November 2013

Three qualities of true friends

There can be many different types of friends out there. Some who stick with you through thick and thin. Some who might abandon you if you get into some tough times and leave you alone. The true friends are those that stick with you no matter what and will stand up for you no matter what. It is easy to say you have many friends, but how many of those friends are your true friends? I believe that the three qualities that are needed in order to be a true friend are trust, caring, and a loyal person you can depend on.

Trust is the most important aspect for any type of relationship.Whether its mother and daughter, friend to friend, husband to wife, etc. Without trust, the whole relationship will be screwed over. The two people won't trust one another and their assumptions will kick in and then boom, end of relationship. That is why trust is key. If someone trusts you, you have to be sure not to go around stabbing them in the back or it will come back at you and hurt you. If you trust someone, you're basically relying on them with your things. For example, if you tell a secret to your best friend, you trust that they won't ever tell anyone. That's a really important thing to do if you are being told a secret. Don't. Tell. Anyone. If the person finds out that you were the one that told people, all the trust that that person had in you will be gone. Regaining trust is a really difficult thing to do. It's like a broken vase. Even if you glue it back together it just won't be the same anymore.

Caring is another important aspect in a friendship. If your friends don't even care about you, they aren't your true friends. Not even your friends in general I guess. If someone cares about you more than they care about themselves, they are definitely your true friends. If you get hurt, and someone comes to your aid, they are probably your true friends. However if they are your true friends too, they will laugh about it because they feel that comfortable with you.

Having a loyal person you can depend on is one of the best things to have in your lifetime. Sometimes you just have to let things out. With having a loyal person you can depend on, they are there when you need them and should be there at any time. The loyal people that you can depend on are the ones that if you ask them to do something, you know for certain they will do it. For example, if one of your friends asks to borrow $100 and you know they'll pay back as soon as they can, you can depend on them. Depending on them and trusting them are sort of the same thing, but I believe that depending on a person is just a little different. Depending on someone is used when you ask them to do something and knowing that they'll do it for sure. Trust is when you know that they can be truthful to you and all.

Personally I believe I have many true friends. We all get along and that is very exciting. Very fun and is full of surprises. Yes ofcourse I have had a few people who I thought were true friends turn their back on me and go against me, but I have no worries. It's their loss and I don't even care.

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