Thursday 12 December 2013

The Meaning of Life

Many people have different interpretations of the meaning of life. It really does not matter what you think is the meaning of life, because it is your life. The only important thing is that you truly believe that that is the honest meaning of life. Personally, I believe the meaning of life is to pursue ones dreams or goals. I say this because what’s the point in life if you do not set goals that you aim to achieve. Without goals, you would not know what to do with your life. That is why it is important to have goals that can be achievable and then you work your way everyday until you achieve that goal. Once you achieved that one goal, no matter how long it takes, you should come up with a new goal for you to achieve.

There are many different goals that people can set for themselves throughout their lifetime. There can be goals that are extremely difficult to achieve and may possibly take a whole lifetime to finally surpass or minor goals that are difficult, but easier to accomplish. I am the type that has both types of goals in my mind right now. A common goal that people have, that is a lifetime type of goal, is wanting to raise a family of one’s own with the person that they love. Raising a family definitely cannot be done so simply. Well it actually can, but it is certainly better to have some thought of it and actually wanting to have a family. Many people do not plan to have kids, but end up having a child or two and then boom, a new family. This might cause problems between the parents because they were not planning on raising a family just yet. Some people will live up to the decision and step up and raise an amazing family. On the other hand, other people will get scared of the reality and try to run away and avoid all problems that come to them. Well, when you do not face your problems, they will never go away. A minor goal that can be achieved by someone might be something like get 6 pack abs. Almost every guy who does not have a 6 pack say that they want one. Well it isn’t going to happen on its own so the person should get up and try to achieve their goal! Without that there is no meaning in life in my opinion. Going to the gym everyday and working on the parts of the body that you want to make like the picture in your head will definitely help.

Goals cannot be achieved just by doing. You must believe that you can do it. That is the first step before anything else can happen. If one cannot truly believe that they can achieve a certain type of goal, there is no way that they can achieve it. For example there are many people who tell me that I can’t make anything out of soccer and that I should just quit. But I don’t let anyone stop me because I actually do believe that if I work hard enough that I will definitely be able to achieve one of my lifetime goals. And once I actually do achieve that goal, I will be in a state of extreme happiness and will then set further goals for me to achieve after.

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