Sunday 1 December 2013

It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. Agree or disagree?

Today’s prompt asks whether I believe that it is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. I truly agree with that. I believe that it is also very important to explore the world because one must know the many surprises or adventures that are held with the world.

Living in one city or town (or island for my instance) is a better choice than moving form one place to another. For the first reason, if you have stayed in one city or town rather than move from place to place, you will remember that one place as your absolute home. There is no place like home. Home is probably the best place to be when you’re in need of some help. Your home has everything you need, whenever you need. Growing up in a city or town throughout your life is definitely going to stick to you whether you want it to or not. You will remember what happened in certain places of the town and it will bring back many memories for you to endure. If you move from place to place often, you wont be sure what exactly is your true home. Having a house is different than having a home. A house is just a building that you buy or rent, but having a home is a special place. Home is where everything can be ok and nothing can go wrong. Home is where you were made up to be who you are in the future.

My second reason for why I would choose living in one city or town rather than move from one place to another often is because when you stay in one city you don’t have to change your appearance all the time, but you just have to be yourself. The problem with moving from one place to another is that your environment will change every time you move to a different place. This can cause a change in you as well. If you go to a place where all the guys wear tank tops, you will most likely be oppressed and start to wear only tank tops. The community and environment has a great impact on each and every one of our lives and staying in one city will give you a chance to save the trouble and just be whom you are. Instead of trying to fit in, make other people want to fit into you and your group.

My last reason for choosing to live in one city or town rather than move from one place to another often is because moving can be very stressful. Plus, what’s the point of doing certain things if people already know how their outcome will turn out. It is too much of a hassle to move him from place to place because you have to start out as the ‘new guy’. You will need to find your certain group in school or among adults, but once you find them, leaving them will be the next hard part. Also, knowing that you won’t be at the school for a lot longer, but having to move to another place by a given date is a bad thing to do. You will go through the “break ups” that the children nowadays come up with on many different occasions.

In conclusion, I believe that staying in one city or island rather than moving from place to play is truly important. If one stays at their home everyday, they should go on many vacations as well. Exploring the world is also a really important factor in life.

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