Sunday 3 November 2013

Big school or small school

Today's prompt is asking whether I would prefer to be educated in a large school or a small school. As of right now, I am attending a small school on a small island. Saipan International School is a very small school compared to the huge schools they have in the States. Even on island, SIS might be considered as a small school, campus size wise. The number of students that SIS has might be around 200. In the states, that might be how much students are in one class. Being in a small school definitely has its pros because everyone knows everyone, but I would prefer attending a big school.

I would prefer a bigger school because it can prepare me for college. Right now, I have no idea what it's like being able to choose your classes or having different classmates in every class you take. When I go to college I will have the option to choose what classes I want to take and will have different classmates for most of the classes that I take. If I had gone to a big school in high school I would be prepared for all of this in college, but since I didn't... I will have to wait and see how it goes. I actually believe that it won't be that hard to get used to. Going to a bigger school can help prepare me for college in such a way that I will be used to being in large crowds of students with everyone having different hobbies. At SIS, a lot of people do the same thing and know what each other does. There isn't much diversity if you can say at SIS. If I attended a big school, I will get used to the diversity and be ready for college.

A disadvantage of going to a big school for college is that you won't be as close to your professors as in  a smaller school. This might be a bad thing if you enjoy talking to the teacher and asking for help if you do not get a certain part in his lecture. In a small school, the teacher and you can practically become bestfriends. At SIS, many of the students are close with their teachers and that is definitely a good thing. Going to a big school, the teachers would most likely not even know your name. A positive thing though is that you can skip class and the teacher won't notice. At a small school like SIS, the teacher knows who is and who isn't in class that day.

When going to a big school, it's like coming into a whole new world. No one knows you and you don't know anyone. You can make a name for yourself. Starting out fresh. Be whoever you want to be. There's no one stopping you, but yourself. You can have a small group of really close friends at a big school or a big group of close friends at a small school. The small group would probably be better because if something happens at a small school between friends, they will have to solve the problem soon. At a big school, if there's a problem, not much attending needs to be at hand.

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