Tuesday 5 November 2013

Human's greatest strength

Today’s prompt is asking what the human being’s greatest strength is. Humans are capable of many different things that overpower the other living organisms on our planet Earth. Such things may include establishing a direct dialect to communicate with one another, the usage of advanced tools, or maybe the innovative thoughts towards the other organisms in the world. Personally I believe that the greatest strength that a human can achieve is their intelligence. There are some highly intellectual humans that are living around and some that have a low intelligence level. Human’s intelligence advances greatly every day. The day the internet was founded is one of the greatest accomplishments that a human has ever done.

With the high human intelligence level, humans have created multiple languages for different countries across the whole world. Almost each country has their own way of speaking or communicating with each other. Whoever had come up with establishing that language is a great person. Creating a whole language is a terrific thing that one can do. For example, the Chinese. Chinese characters are extremely difficult to learn but imagine the person who made it. He made every character known to Chinese with exact precision. He took the time in just to put thought and create each character. Not only for the character, but what each character says and means. Each character has a meaning to it from what I heard. If you write the character for a tree, the character is supposed to look somewhat like a tree. This is simply amazing. The person who made Chinese is probably one of the most accomplished the world has seen. 

Another great use of the intellectual level of humans is that we can build and operate advanced tools and machinery. You don't see a dog typing this blog. You see a person. And some person had to have built this laptop in order for me to type on it for this blog. Humans are way more advanced in technology and tools than any other living organism on the planet. Studies show that monkeys are probably the closest animal to the human. Yes they can operate some tools, but none are close to what the humans use. Humans can build airplanes, space shuttles that go out for space in days and has people in it, cars, laptops, solar panels, and many many more. To me, I believe that this is a great strength that rules the world. With this high intellectual level, humans dominate any other living organism on this planet. Who knows what other organisms might be out there in outer space if there are any, but as of right now, humans dominate the world. 

Some may say that the human intelligence has been decreasing in the past few years, but that is because technology is soaring up there. With the use of technology, we have literally everything we need to know at the tip of our fingers. If you want to search something up for a class or discussion, I guarantee the first thing people will do is either go ask a teacher or go on Google. Google is so massive because you can type pretty much anything in the world that you think of and boom its there. Google is a place where people can connect as well. Some people may think they are the only one that does a certain thing or has a certain thing, but once they search it up on the Google, they find out that there are thousands of other people going through the exact same thing. 

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