Monday 30 September 2013

Bucket Lists

        I've never made a bucket list in my life before. I do have things in mind I want to do before I die, but I have never actually wrote them down or made a list of them. I like to live in the now. Take life day by day and see where that gets me. Ofcourse I prepare for certain obstacles in the future, but I like to mostly live in the now. Here are a couple of things that I want to do before I die, but aren't in any specific order:

         I want to experience skydiving. It seems like such an exhilarating thing to do and I am always looking for exciting activities to do. Free falling from high up in the sky and then landing perfectly fine because of the parachute seems like one of the most exciting things one can do. It might be a little scary for me to jump at first because I'm a little scared of heights, but after I make the jump, or if someone has to push me off because I couldn't jump on my own, it will be easy from there. I don't want to go skydiving just once though, I want to go multiple times and bring other people to experience the fun. Experiencing fun by yourself is such a great thing, but experiencing it with others is a whole new level of fun. You make memories together and might get closely bonded together. Experiencing skydiving with another person is going to be such a great thing to do.

         I want to travel around the world before I die. I've been to a couple of places before and have loved every single one of them, but I want to go to even more countries or islands around the world. I want to not only be in the country, but to explore the many adventures that are held within the country. For example, I have been to Kathmandu, Nepal, but I didn't get a chance to go to Mt. Everest! I feel like that was such a bummer being in Nepal but not going to the highest mountain in the world, but the rest of the trip makes up for that because it was a once in a lifetime trip. I want to go to Europe and experience the many things that are fascinating for the people there. Traveling to Paris, France but not only seeing the Eiffel Tower, but to climb it and reach the very top. Going to Brazil and not only shopping, but to be in the famous parades that they have. Or like going to the Statue the Liberty, but not only go inside and to the top, but give the Statue a big old high five.

           Lastly, I want to play see all my favorite soccer players play in a match. I've seen many of my favorite soccer players on TV or on the laptop and it's really a great learning experience, but it doesn't have the same excitement that a live professional match has. I've watched maybe like 10 professional matches in my life, and I remember every single one. They're all so exciting and thrilling and made me want to watch even more. Last summer, I was able to meet a couple of the pros in person after a practice. These pros were playing for my favorite team in Japan and it was an amazing time meeting them. One of the players, which is my favorite, is also on the Japan national team and competed at the Olympics. Meeting players at that high of a level in a sport is a great pleasure.

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