Saturday 21 September 2013

What are the three things that will make my life perfect?

The Perfect Life

          There are many things that people want in their lives that they believe will make their life perfect. Some people might want things or experiences that other people have, because they envy them. Everyone's idea of a "perfect life" is probably different. Majority of people will probably think that the perfect life is having a nice body, billions of dollars, the best looks, all the fame, etc. To me, those things are great but are not exactly my idea of a perfect life. It is more of a happy, fun life. The three things that will make my life perfect are my family, friends, and billions of money. 

          Without family, there won't be people there for you all the time. Family is really important and is something I do not take for granted. My family isn't like most families, but I love that. I don't want to be like everyone else and all. My dad's probably one of the most interesting person you'll ever meet in the world. He always has a good mood when he's out and he sees things in a totally different way. He's very intelligent and also very humorous. If he is to do something, he doesn't only get the job done, but he goes past the limit and gives more than what he gets. My mother is one of the most hardworking woman out there. I'm surprised how she can be still awake during the day at times because she works so hard. She also cares way more than enough about her family. She puts everyone above her and she is very humble. My sister is a hard person to describe. If she likes something, she focuses on it for a while. She can be very modest at times and hardworking. Whenever we need to talk, we have the most thoughtful conversations. I can talk to her about anything and everything. She is also very good at handwriting and doing nails. My dad might be a little embarrassing at times, and my mom might care a little too much at times, and my sister might be a little too inconsiderate at times, but I love them all. 

          When times are rough, your friends are always there for you. I spend most of my time with my friends and I enjoy it all the time. I call many people my friends but the people who are truly my friends are my classmates or soccer teammates. There are some people who aren't my classmate or my teammate but they are also my good friends, it's just that the majority of my friends are either a classmate of teammate of mine. I have friends from many different ethnicities so it is very interesting to know them and maybe hear about their country. I can say almost anything I want with my friends and that's one of the best things I like about having great friends. I can say the most offending thing to them as a joke and they can do the same back. There's also times where we help each other out when either of us need it the most and it's a really great relationship between my friends and I. One doesn't need hundreds of friends to be happy, but just a few true friends to be more than happy. 

          This next thing that will make my life perfect might be a sign of greed or selfishness, but that's not what I think of it as. If i had billions of money, I would not only use it for my family and I, but also give it to charities or other people I know who are struggling through tough times and need extra support. First, I would definitely use the money on my family and I to get our needs and probably to my friends after that, then I would give to the people who need it the most. I would never be so selfish to get billions of money and not give it to the people who are in need of it the most. 

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