Sunday 22 September 2013

Should SIS allow students to use the cell phones during the school day?


          Cell phones do not only give people a way to interact with one another, but to explore the world on your own through the power of a thing called the internet. If a student has a question, they can simply go on Google and search for the answer. This will make the students at SIS more intellectual because they can be able to use the cellphones for educational purposes. Although a student might cheat during a test with their cellphone, that can easily be avoided in some sort of an agreement made upon the students and faculty members of SIS. 

          First of all, the students are teenagers. Most teenagers are drawn to music. Music can help learning for some students. And cellphones are an easy way to access music. Therefore, while studying or doing class work, a student can be able to use their cellphone to either search the internet for an answer if they do not want to ask the teacher, or access their music selection to help them with the work at hand. Of course the students will not be allowed to use the cellphones while the teacher is giving a lecture or if the teacher is showing an example of a problem, but when it is time for in class work or maybe study hall, students should be able to use their cell phones. Cell phones actually can enhance a students' learning skills and can make learning broader than just in a class room. When you're on the internet there's so many things you can learn. Sometimes when you search one thing, a few hours later you are on a completely different topic! 

           Maybe if it's too much to ask if the students can have the privilege to use cell phones during the class time, students should be allowed to use it on break times such as lunch or the 9:30 am break time. I mean that's why it's called "break" time. Students are taking a break from classes and doing what they want, but there are obviously still certain rules that we need to follow. During the break times, students should be able to use their cell phones for personal purposes. I mean, why can't we? There isn't class going on so we can't cheat or anything and there isn't any teacher speaking or giving a lecture during the break, so there is no need to pay attention. The students can interact with students from other schools during the break or even to their fellow classmates. They can show their friends funny or exciting things they found on the internet or play the music they like to listen to. 

        "Oh, well the students won't be doing their work. They'll be texting or doing activities not related to school." Oh please. Where's the trust? No trust from the teachers will not give a good relationship between the teachers and students. If there are so much rules that are given, learning won't even be exciting or fun for the students. When the students aren't having fun at a school or dislike it, they will tell their friends from outside of school, and it will go on and on until the school will have that bad reputation then boom, who knows what. After all, the students parents are the ones paying for the school anyways, and the students get strict treatment in return? I don't know, but it surely doesn't sound right at all to me. 

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