Wednesday 4 September 2013

Were people friendlier before then today?

Agree or Disagree?

    I definitely agree that people in the past were friendlier than most people today. The strongest reason has got to be the internet. With the internet, some people believe that they grow closer to people, but that is not the case. You may have a sort of close connection online, but not the same connection in person. I think the internet has actually grown people apart a little. People who used to meet and talk are now sitting in there own individual rooms and speaking to one another through the internet. It actually isn't even "speaking". Yes you can call them conversations but I think that they are only typing, not speaking. I don't think anyone speaks to the person while they are interacting with them online. 

                    Yes the technology is definitely great to our society. It will advance our planet to many new things that we will keep on discovering. But, technology is probably not one of the best ways to be nicer to another. When you are talking to someone online, you have no idea what their facial expressions are unless you are skyping. For example, one person might say "LOL", but not mean it at all. They will probably type that without an expression on their face. I don't know about you, but that seems a little fake to me. There a bunch of fake people online. That is one of the biggest things I hate. You aren't sure who you're talking to. Yes for most cases you are talking to your friends, but if you're talking a stranger you want to meet, you cannot trust their profile that they set up. With more and more fake people, this draws people farther apart, thus summing up that some people will not be nicer than in the past. I personally like talking to my friends online because it is such an easy way to interact with one another. This does not mean I'm actually close to a lot of friends though. I have talked to people online and have yet to see or meet them in person yet! 

                    I think the biggest reason why people were nicer in the past than nowadays is that without the technology, one must find a way by themselves to interact with one another. I've heard many stories from my father of when he had ridden his bike to his best friend's house and hung out and did their own thing then. Without technology, the people could come up with many numerous ways of keeping each other busy or even having fun. Some kids used to go outside and play all the time and come home for dinner all sweaty and tired but with a huge smile on their faces. Nowadays, what most kids call fun is playing xbox live with other kids online or streaming the net doing what they do. This just secludes one from other people! Yes you may learn more about things from the internet, but the closeness of people definitely has a part in the niceness of the person. Small villages, is probably another reason for why people were nicer in the past then now. The small villages brought people closer together and if it is a small town, everyone knows everyone. This will make people more comfortable with one another, thus being nice to each other. Nowadays, if you go to places like New York, no one cares about you. They are all doing their own thing and expect you to be doing your own thing as well. The world has definitely changed greatly, but I hope that this does not affect the people so much. It is important to be advanced in technology to explore many new things, but the connection between humans is also a very important thing to have. 

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