Tuesday 5 November 2013

Three qualities of true friends

There can be many different types of friends out there. Some who stick with you through thick and thin. Some who might abandon you if you get into some tough times and leave you alone. The true friends are those that stick with you no matter what and will stand up for you no matter what. It is easy to say you have many friends, but how many of those friends are your true friends? I believe that the three qualities that are needed in order to be a true friend are trust, caring, and a loyal person you can depend on.

Trust is the most important aspect for any type of relationship.Whether its mother and daughter, friend to friend, husband to wife, etc. Without trust, the whole relationship will be screwed over. The two people won't trust one another and their assumptions will kick in and then boom, end of relationship. That is why trust is key. If someone trusts you, you have to be sure not to go around stabbing them in the back or it will come back at you and hurt you. If you trust someone, you're basically relying on them with your things. For example, if you tell a secret to your best friend, you trust that they won't ever tell anyone. That's a really important thing to do if you are being told a secret. Don't. Tell. Anyone. If the person finds out that you were the one that told people, all the trust that that person had in you will be gone. Regaining trust is a really difficult thing to do. It's like a broken vase. Even if you glue it back together it just won't be the same anymore.

Caring is another important aspect in a friendship. If your friends don't even care about you, they aren't your true friends. Not even your friends in general I guess. If someone cares about you more than they care about themselves, they are definitely your true friends. If you get hurt, and someone comes to your aid, they are probably your true friends. However if they are your true friends too, they will laugh about it because they feel that comfortable with you.

Having a loyal person you can depend on is one of the best things to have in your lifetime. Sometimes you just have to let things out. With having a loyal person you can depend on, they are there when you need them and should be there at any time. The loyal people that you can depend on are the ones that if you ask them to do something, you know for certain they will do it. For example, if one of your friends asks to borrow $100 and you know they'll pay back as soon as they can, you can depend on them. Depending on them and trusting them are sort of the same thing, but I believe that depending on a person is just a little different. Depending on someone is used when you ask them to do something and knowing that they'll do it for sure. Trust is when you know that they can be truthful to you and all.

Personally I believe I have many true friends. We all get along and that is very exciting. Very fun and is full of surprises. Yes ofcourse I have had a few people who I thought were true friends turn their back on me and go against me, but I have no worries. It's their loss and I don't even care.

Human's greatest strength

Today’s prompt is asking what the human being’s greatest strength is. Humans are capable of many different things that overpower the other living organisms on our planet Earth. Such things may include establishing a direct dialect to communicate with one another, the usage of advanced tools, or maybe the innovative thoughts towards the other organisms in the world. Personally I believe that the greatest strength that a human can achieve is their intelligence. There are some highly intellectual humans that are living around and some that have a low intelligence level. Human’s intelligence advances greatly every day. The day the internet was founded is one of the greatest accomplishments that a human has ever done.

With the high human intelligence level, humans have created multiple languages for different countries across the whole world. Almost each country has their own way of speaking or communicating with each other. Whoever had come up with establishing that language is a great person. Creating a whole language is a terrific thing that one can do. For example, the Chinese. Chinese characters are extremely difficult to learn but imagine the person who made it. He made every character known to Chinese with exact precision. He took the time in just to put thought and create each character. Not only for the character, but what each character says and means. Each character has a meaning to it from what I heard. If you write the character for a tree, the character is supposed to look somewhat like a tree. This is simply amazing. The person who made Chinese is probably one of the most accomplished the world has seen. 

Another great use of the intellectual level of humans is that we can build and operate advanced tools and machinery. You don't see a dog typing this blog. You see a person. And some person had to have built this laptop in order for me to type on it for this blog. Humans are way more advanced in technology and tools than any other living organism on the planet. Studies show that monkeys are probably the closest animal to the human. Yes they can operate some tools, but none are close to what the humans use. Humans can build airplanes, space shuttles that go out for space in days and has people in it, cars, laptops, solar panels, and many many more. To me, I believe that this is a great strength that rules the world. With this high intellectual level, humans dominate any other living organism on this planet. Who knows what other organisms might be out there in outer space if there are any, but as of right now, humans dominate the world. 

Some may say that the human intelligence has been decreasing in the past few years, but that is because technology is soaring up there. With the use of technology, we have literally everything we need to know at the tip of our fingers. If you want to search something up for a class or discussion, I guarantee the first thing people will do is either go ask a teacher or go on Google. Google is so massive because you can type pretty much anything in the world that you think of and boom its there. Google is a place where people can connect as well. Some people may think they are the only one that does a certain thing or has a certain thing, but once they search it up on the Google, they find out that there are thousands of other people going through the exact same thing. 

Sunday 3 November 2013

Big school or small school

Today's prompt is asking whether I would prefer to be educated in a large school or a small school. As of right now, I am attending a small school on a small island. Saipan International School is a very small school compared to the huge schools they have in the States. Even on island, SIS might be considered as a small school, campus size wise. The number of students that SIS has might be around 200. In the states, that might be how much students are in one class. Being in a small school definitely has its pros because everyone knows everyone, but I would prefer attending a big school.

I would prefer a bigger school because it can prepare me for college. Right now, I have no idea what it's like being able to choose your classes or having different classmates in every class you take. When I go to college I will have the option to choose what classes I want to take and will have different classmates for most of the classes that I take. If I had gone to a big school in high school I would be prepared for all of this in college, but since I didn't... I will have to wait and see how it goes. I actually believe that it won't be that hard to get used to. Going to a bigger school can help prepare me for college in such a way that I will be used to being in large crowds of students with everyone having different hobbies. At SIS, a lot of people do the same thing and know what each other does. There isn't much diversity if you can say at SIS. If I attended a big school, I will get used to the diversity and be ready for college.

A disadvantage of going to a big school for college is that you won't be as close to your professors as in  a smaller school. This might be a bad thing if you enjoy talking to the teacher and asking for help if you do not get a certain part in his lecture. In a small school, the teacher and you can practically become bestfriends. At SIS, many of the students are close with their teachers and that is definitely a good thing. Going to a big school, the teachers would most likely not even know your name. A positive thing though is that you can skip class and the teacher won't notice. At a small school like SIS, the teacher knows who is and who isn't in class that day.

When going to a big school, it's like coming into a whole new world. No one knows you and you don't know anyone. You can make a name for yourself. Starting out fresh. Be whoever you want to be. There's no one stopping you, but yourself. You can have a small group of really close friends at a big school or a big group of close friends at a small school. The small group would probably be better because if something happens at a small school between friends, they will have to solve the problem soon. At a big school, if there's a problem, not much attending needs to be at hand.

My children

Today's prompt is asking what I would teach and wouldn't teach to my children. When I grow up, get married, and have children, I want my children to do the best they can to express themselves in whatever way they want to. Ofcourse discipline is a key thing, but too much wouldn't allow my kids to have fun and just explore the world in their own perspective. I want to have 2 children that are both boys. Even at a young age, I have given much thought into my future and have decided this. Today's kids seem very spoiled to me. I would never let my children become like that. I would spoil them just enough so that they can be happy, but also learn. I wouldn't set many rules on my children because they need to live life the way they want to even at a young age. Ofcourse there are certain boundaries that cannot be crossed, but I would give my children a lot of freedom. With that freedom they can explore their life the way they want to with the help of their loving family. I will support my children with whatever they want to do. If they want to become a rockstar, I will support them 10000%. If they want to become an athlete, I'll help train them to become the best among everyone. I enjoy playing with kids so I am actually excited to have children one day. I believe that I am actually pretty good with kids also.  Three things that I would definitely teach my children is respect/manners, kindness, and expressing themselves.

I believe that everyone should have respect and manners no matter what age you are. Ofcourse a 2 year old won't know what it is, so that's why I would teach it to my children. Especially to say thank you whenever someone does something nice for them. With respect and manners, my kid will grow up to be a good being and be successful in life. If a kid is respectful to others, the others will respect him back. Respect is something that is earned, not given. Manners are an easy thing to learn and a very important thing to know. For example, my kid should be polite to other adults no matter who they are. Nowadays, many kids think that they are above everyone else or that they are all that. So many are disrespectful to their parents and other people. Those type of people will not do good in life.

Being kind is definitely a good thing to have in a person. If a person is kind, generally more people will be kind back. Therefore, it will be easier for my kids to get more and more friends. Even when they are older they can get a girlfriend. And with their respect and manners, they will impress their girlfriend's parents and pass as good children. I want my children to set standards for other kids and other parents to make their kids like them also.

Expressing themselves is such an important thing in life. If you aren't expressing yourself, what are you doing? Trying to be another person? No. You have to be yourself. I want my kids to know and be proud of being themselves no matter how they are or how they look like. I want my children to know that being yourself is more important than anything else. If you aren't yourself, you aren't living your life the right way.

Should SIS have uniforms or not?

Saipan International School is the only private high school that doesn't force students to wear a uniform to school everyday. This is what brings the individuality in this great school. At other schools, the students are like prisoners going to school because they have to wear a uniform to school. If they don't wear their uniforms they'll get in trouble. SIS is also the only private high school that doesn't require their students to learn about the Bible. That is probably the main reason why other school are required to wear a uniform to school. So, should SIS require their students to wear uniforms? My answer is a definite no.

The main reason why I am against SIS requiring their students to wear uniforms to school is that it prohibits the students way of expressing themselves. Many people wear what they like to show how they are like. There are many students who take hours just to figure out what they're going to wear to school every single day. They want to look good to make a statement towards other students. If the students were required to wear uniforms, those students wouldn't be able to express themselves in the way that they want to. Only if they go out with friends they will have that same chance, but not every student goes out all the time. Therefore SIS shouldn't allow their students to wear uniforms because they are actually hurting some of their students. Yes ofcourse it becomes easier for some people because they would already know what they are going to wear to the school, but its just boring. Seeing people wearing the same thing as you for the whole school year isn't fun at all. Especially on picture day. On picture day, that is when everyone dresses up to look their best. But if the school forces the students to wear uniforms, the students won't have a choice to want to express themselves in the school picture.

If SIS required their students to wear uniforms, they will be just like all the other schools. That's not a good thing. SIS should be different from the other schools to show that they stand up for themselves. We don't want to be like other schools, we want other schools to want to be like us. We want to be at the top of other schools and that's why we shouldn't have uniforms. If we have uniforms, it will just be like the other schools and there will be no school standing up for themselves. Another reason for not having uniforms is that there is no use for them. Why uniforms? Uniforms don't do anything but limit the students from expressing themselves. It doesn't enhance learning abilities. It doesn't make any students smarter. It just limits students from wearing what they want to wear to school.

SIS should never allow their students to wear uniforms because it is an international school. INTERNATIONAL. Students come here from around the world and they should wear what their culture is. Bring in the different types of fashions and influence other students to dress like others. Personally I feel like I started to dress differently because I have seen many people dress up at our school.

If I could bring back one person from dead, who would he or she be and what would I serve for dinner?

If I could bring back one person from the dead, it would definitely be my grandpa on my mothers side. His name is Masakzu Harada and he sadly passed away in August 10, 1998. I met him when I was only a little baby boy, so I don't remember any memories that I had with him. I was not even a year old before he passed away. I am glad that he had the experience of meeting me before he passed away though. He had told my mom that he wanted to live 10 more years just to have more experiences with me and my sister. I don't have any memories of my experiences with my grandpas from both my mother and fathers side so that is kind of sad. I really wish he was still alive because I don't remember what it feels like to actually have a grandpa. My mother used to tell me how my grandpa always wanted to have a grandson and that when my mother finally gave birth to me and told him that it was a boy, he came to tears because he was extremely happy. There are pictures and videos that my mom has of me and my grandpa but it sucks how I don't remember any of them. My mom tells me stories of how my grandpa would always want to do things with me when I got older and teach me things but he never got the chance. She told me that he really wanted to show Japan to me and my sister, Jian. He was the kind of man that was ve
ry quiet and humble but had many hidden talents. He could sing and play the guitar very well, was a great hunter, and loved to take care of dogs. If he was around today and I visited Japan, I'm 10000% sure he would take me to go watch a sumo wrestling event.

The reason why I would choose my grandpa to come back from the dead is that whenever I'm watching a movie or watching a grandfather and his grandson together, I want to experience that feeling too. I was too young to remember any experiences with both my mother and father's dad so that sucks. If I see the relationship that a man and his grandson have in the movies, I would always be envious and wish that I had experienced that. If I could have my grandpa back for just one day, I would make the day worth everything. Do all the things he wanted to do with me and just simply have a memorial time. I think my grandpa would push me to become more of a man and keep influencing me to do manly things. I'm sure we would go to the woods a lot because he was a man who hunted a lot. He would go hunting for food in the woods with his dog and a couple of buds and just have a good time. I think he brought my uncle along a couple of times too.

We would probably go eat at a very modern Japanese restaurant. He was a business man so he knew many many many fantastic restaurants that served great food. We would go eat sushi, maybe the things that he hunted, and many other traditional Japanese dishes. He would make me eat everything on my plate clean. Even if I hated the food, he would force me to eat it like a man.