Sunday 6 October 2013

The television has a greater affect on people's lives than the telephone has: agree or disagree?

TV or Telephone

           I think that both the television and the telephone has a great impact on people's lives ever since they were first invented, up to now. Some people's way of thinking is thoroughly based on the scenery that is being shown on TVs. For guys it's getting real buff and handsome so that they can get all the girls who have the perfect body, which is pretty much just a skinny body and attractive. Even though I believe both the TV and the telephone have a great effect on people's lives, I think the TV started out with the greater effect on people's lives because it came out first. However, nowadays people can literally stream TV shows on the phones! Thus, I think that the phone has a greater affect on people's lives today. One example is music. Music moves peoples. When a person is sad, sad music makes the person feel or if a person is happy, happy music will make the person feel. Music gives such a massive effect of feeling in a person. With a phone, a person can listen to music anytime of the day like I do.


          A big reason of how the phone has a greater effect on people's lives is that everyone is almost ALWAYS on their smart phones. At a restaurant, I always see couples eating together but they are both on their cellphones not even interacting with each other. The only time they interact at the table is either when they are about to take selfies and post it somewhere. This is a massive effect, but not a good effect. Where's the interaction? Your body is at the table, but you are in a different world. The cyberworld. People use their cellphones for almost everything and anything. Taking pictures is one of the most uses that a person uses with their phones. This is also a great effect because it cherishes memories that the person ha experiences. It captures the moment. Not only can the phone take pictures, but it can also take videos and usually, these capture the moment better than a picture. The phone has also been a great effect on peoples lives in that it gives people the opportunity to keep in contact with other people who aren't even near you. You can call people just to check how they're doing or to have a conversation or to figure out what's the plans for the day. Back in the day, people had to meet face to face or write letters to have a conversation. Obviously, having a phone is such an easier way to contact a person. With the TV, one cannot contact with another person. The only effect that the TV gives on a person is through visual experiences. Everything the person sees on TV is an effect on the person. However, nowadays I believe more people are on their phones rather than on the TV all day. Personally, I believe the cellphone brings people closer better than the TV does.

          Todays phone specs can allow a person to stream the internet as well. The internet is such a useful thing, dangerous thing, and also can give one of the most effects on a person. Anyone can post anything on the internet and there will be people out there that will truly believe it. Most people who are on their phones all the time are using the internet. Many things can be displayed on the internet such as how the perfect person should look like. The person reading that article will most likely believe that that is how the perfect person should look like and figure out that they don't look anything like that. They can be depressed and bad problems can happen. Another dangerous thing that can happen on the internet is cyber bullying. This is such a big topic and needs to be stopped. Many teenagers have committed suicide because of this. That has such a great effect on the person. 

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