Sunday 6 October 2013


Todays prompt is asking if I was stranded on a desert island, what are three things that I would take with me. I have stumbled upon this prompt many times before. In middle school I was constantly asked this question and if I remember correctly, I gave pretty much the same answer for every single time it was asked. Some common answers may vary from having unlimited amount of food supply, an airplane to get away, and the most popular answer I’ve heard is wifi. Nowadays everyone needs to have wifi or they’ll fall over dead or something. This might include me at times, but wifi will not be one of the three things I would take with me to a deserted island. The three things that I would bring with my if I was stranded on a desert island would be an unlimited amount of food and water, sticks and stones to build a fire, and the girl for me. 

Obviously food and water is important if one is stranded. Having an unlimited source of food and water will definitely help me to survive stranded. Without food and water, I will either die from starvation or dehydration, or have to hunt food on my own and find a source of water on my own. If there is no source I will have to drink my own pee, and I will definitely not do that. I saw a guy do it on TV to survive, but no way. Nuh uh. I am not doing that. The food can be any type of food that is easy to eat and can be filling. Ofcourse I am not thinking about medium rare steaks, but something simple like sandwiches. Something easy to make also because I will have the duty of making the food since there is not chef with me. 

Sticks and stone to build a fire is a useful thing to have because at night, it will be cold and I won't be able to see well. If I have sticks and stones to build a fire, I will have the warmth and be able to see in the dark up until the sun rises. Also, I can make food with the fire. I can roast a chicken or something that is in the unlimited amount of food. That will be very useful in need for survival. The sticks and stones don't have to only be for fire too. If there is a predator trying to attack me, I can use the sticks and stones as weapons against the weak predator. The predator will have nothing on me. Fear will only make me lose and the predator win. Fear is a choice. I can either choose to fear the predator and let it attack or take action and be fearless when attacking the predator. After I attack the predator, I will probably eat it if it is edible. 

Lastly, the girl for me will be there with me when I'm stranded to keep me company. Being alone, stranded for who knows how long is not an easy thing to do. Going against predators and weather problems will be such a difficult task and one must have motivation or to strive something to do that. With the girl for me, we can work together in surviving together. Protecting her will be my main objective and I won't ever fail in doing that. We can build a tent together to give us shelter and can protect us from the horrible heat or the  creepy coldness. Not only will she not make me lonely, I can actually have a good time being stranded because of her. No one else but us two. 

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