Monday 30 September 2013

Bucket Lists

        I've never made a bucket list in my life before. I do have things in mind I want to do before I die, but I have never actually wrote them down or made a list of them. I like to live in the now. Take life day by day and see where that gets me. Ofcourse I prepare for certain obstacles in the future, but I like to mostly live in the now. Here are a couple of things that I want to do before I die, but aren't in any specific order:

         I want to experience skydiving. It seems like such an exhilarating thing to do and I am always looking for exciting activities to do. Free falling from high up in the sky and then landing perfectly fine because of the parachute seems like one of the most exciting things one can do. It might be a little scary for me to jump at first because I'm a little scared of heights, but after I make the jump, or if someone has to push me off because I couldn't jump on my own, it will be easy from there. I don't want to go skydiving just once though, I want to go multiple times and bring other people to experience the fun. Experiencing fun by yourself is such a great thing, but experiencing it with others is a whole new level of fun. You make memories together and might get closely bonded together. Experiencing skydiving with another person is going to be such a great thing to do.

         I want to travel around the world before I die. I've been to a couple of places before and have loved every single one of them, but I want to go to even more countries or islands around the world. I want to not only be in the country, but to explore the many adventures that are held within the country. For example, I have been to Kathmandu, Nepal, but I didn't get a chance to go to Mt. Everest! I feel like that was such a bummer being in Nepal but not going to the highest mountain in the world, but the rest of the trip makes up for that because it was a once in a lifetime trip. I want to go to Europe and experience the many things that are fascinating for the people there. Traveling to Paris, France but not only seeing the Eiffel Tower, but to climb it and reach the very top. Going to Brazil and not only shopping, but to be in the famous parades that they have. Or like going to the Statue the Liberty, but not only go inside and to the top, but give the Statue a big old high five.

           Lastly, I want to play see all my favorite soccer players play in a match. I've seen many of my favorite soccer players on TV or on the laptop and it's really a great learning experience, but it doesn't have the same excitement that a live professional match has. I've watched maybe like 10 professional matches in my life, and I remember every single one. They're all so exciting and thrilling and made me want to watch even more. Last summer, I was able to meet a couple of the pros in person after a practice. These pros were playing for my favorite team in Japan and it was an amazing time meeting them. One of the players, which is my favorite, is also on the Japan national team and competed at the Olympics. Meeting players at that high of a level in a sport is a great pleasure.

One Super Power

Super Power

          There are many superpowers that have been created from many people's different creativity. Some may be super strength, invisibility, laser eyes, levitation, or stretching yourself for miles and miles. If I were to have one super power, it would probably be flying. 

           One of the biggest reasons is that you can fly anywhere you want in the whole world for free. How great is that? You can be in Saipan one second then suddenly you have a craving of going to Paris, France then boom, you're on your way to Paris just like that. No hassle in buying a plane ticket or maybe if you're rich, flying your own plane. Just a simple kick off the ground, then you're off and on your way. I love traveling, but it is such a trouble to find money to pay for the ticket and having to sit on an airplane until you reach your destination. That's a aspect of airplanes I really dislike: having to sit down in your seat for however long and not being able to move freely. If you're going far distances, sweet baby Jesus that's not going to be such a pleasant flight for me. Traveling on your own will be quite an experience, but bringing people with you is a different level of fun. You can carry someone you want to with you for your trips. It might be a real trouble carrying them the whole time, but it will definitely be worth it. If I was able to fly, traveling not only abroad will be easier, but in my town too. Going to school, going to the gym, to soccer practice, etc. All those things will be gas free and if it's gas free it means I didn't spend a single penny on getting around the island. 

        Another reason for having flying as a super power is that if you are in a troubled situation and in need of a quick get away but all the escape routes around you are blocked, you can shoot straight up into the sky and fly away. No one will be able to catch you, but you can easily catch them. You will feel powerful because of that. Feeling superior over someone really does give a boost in ones self confidence as well. One bad thing about being able to fly is that one can get so used to the routine of flying around, that they forget to exercise or workout. They might end up all over weight and unattractive and this won't help anything at all. Being fit and able to fly will draw more attention to you,  than if you were overweight and able to fly. 

   One interesting factor that can be linked with flying is that when you are flying, you will feel so free. Infinite maybe. That feeling, is such a great experience and being able to experience that every day for your life is unthinkable. You are defying gravity when you are flying. This will cause a major chaos for scientists as well, once they find out that I can fly on my own. I will also be able to dominate in most sports as well. In soccer I can fly past all the opponents team players, for volleyball I can soar up in the air and spike the ball down so hard, or for basketball I can dunk on people and get up and down the court with ease. 

Sunday 22 September 2013

Should SIS allow students to use the cell phones during the school day?


          Cell phones do not only give people a way to interact with one another, but to explore the world on your own through the power of a thing called the internet. If a student has a question, they can simply go on Google and search for the answer. This will make the students at SIS more intellectual because they can be able to use the cellphones for educational purposes. Although a student might cheat during a test with their cellphone, that can easily be avoided in some sort of an agreement made upon the students and faculty members of SIS. 

          First of all, the students are teenagers. Most teenagers are drawn to music. Music can help learning for some students. And cellphones are an easy way to access music. Therefore, while studying or doing class work, a student can be able to use their cellphone to either search the internet for an answer if they do not want to ask the teacher, or access their music selection to help them with the work at hand. Of course the students will not be allowed to use the cellphones while the teacher is giving a lecture or if the teacher is showing an example of a problem, but when it is time for in class work or maybe study hall, students should be able to use their cell phones. Cell phones actually can enhance a students' learning skills and can make learning broader than just in a class room. When you're on the internet there's so many things you can learn. Sometimes when you search one thing, a few hours later you are on a completely different topic! 

           Maybe if it's too much to ask if the students can have the privilege to use cell phones during the class time, students should be allowed to use it on break times such as lunch or the 9:30 am break time. I mean that's why it's called "break" time. Students are taking a break from classes and doing what they want, but there are obviously still certain rules that we need to follow. During the break times, students should be able to use their cell phones for personal purposes. I mean, why can't we? There isn't class going on so we can't cheat or anything and there isn't any teacher speaking or giving a lecture during the break, so there is no need to pay attention. The students can interact with students from other schools during the break or even to their fellow classmates. They can show their friends funny or exciting things they found on the internet or play the music they like to listen to. 

        "Oh, well the students won't be doing their work. They'll be texting or doing activities not related to school." Oh please. Where's the trust? No trust from the teachers will not give a good relationship between the teachers and students. If there are so much rules that are given, learning won't even be exciting or fun for the students. When the students aren't having fun at a school or dislike it, they will tell their friends from outside of school, and it will go on and on until the school will have that bad reputation then boom, who knows what. After all, the students parents are the ones paying for the school anyways, and the students get strict treatment in return? I don't know, but it surely doesn't sound right at all to me. 

Saturday 21 September 2013

What are the three things that will make my life perfect?

The Perfect Life

          There are many things that people want in their lives that they believe will make their life perfect. Some people might want things or experiences that other people have, because they envy them. Everyone's idea of a "perfect life" is probably different. Majority of people will probably think that the perfect life is having a nice body, billions of dollars, the best looks, all the fame, etc. To me, those things are great but are not exactly my idea of a perfect life. It is more of a happy, fun life. The three things that will make my life perfect are my family, friends, and billions of money. 

          Without family, there won't be people there for you all the time. Family is really important and is something I do not take for granted. My family isn't like most families, but I love that. I don't want to be like everyone else and all. My dad's probably one of the most interesting person you'll ever meet in the world. He always has a good mood when he's out and he sees things in a totally different way. He's very intelligent and also very humorous. If he is to do something, he doesn't only get the job done, but he goes past the limit and gives more than what he gets. My mother is one of the most hardworking woman out there. I'm surprised how she can be still awake during the day at times because she works so hard. She also cares way more than enough about her family. She puts everyone above her and she is very humble. My sister is a hard person to describe. If she likes something, she focuses on it for a while. She can be very modest at times and hardworking. Whenever we need to talk, we have the most thoughtful conversations. I can talk to her about anything and everything. She is also very good at handwriting and doing nails. My dad might be a little embarrassing at times, and my mom might care a little too much at times, and my sister might be a little too inconsiderate at times, but I love them all. 

          When times are rough, your friends are always there for you. I spend most of my time with my friends and I enjoy it all the time. I call many people my friends but the people who are truly my friends are my classmates or soccer teammates. There are some people who aren't my classmate or my teammate but they are also my good friends, it's just that the majority of my friends are either a classmate of teammate of mine. I have friends from many different ethnicities so it is very interesting to know them and maybe hear about their country. I can say almost anything I want with my friends and that's one of the best things I like about having great friends. I can say the most offending thing to them as a joke and they can do the same back. There's also times where we help each other out when either of us need it the most and it's a really great relationship between my friends and I. One doesn't need hundreds of friends to be happy, but just a few true friends to be more than happy. 

          This next thing that will make my life perfect might be a sign of greed or selfishness, but that's not what I think of it as. If i had billions of money, I would not only use it for my family and I, but also give it to charities or other people I know who are struggling through tough times and need extra support. First, I would definitely use the money on my family and I to get our needs and probably to my friends after that, then I would give to the people who need it the most. I would never be so selfish to get billions of money and not give it to the people who are in need of it the most. 

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Were people friendlier before then today?

Agree or Disagree?

    I definitely agree that people in the past were friendlier than most people today. The strongest reason has got to be the internet. With the internet, some people believe that they grow closer to people, but that is not the case. You may have a sort of close connection online, but not the same connection in person. I think the internet has actually grown people apart a little. People who used to meet and talk are now sitting in there own individual rooms and speaking to one another through the internet. It actually isn't even "speaking". Yes you can call them conversations but I think that they are only typing, not speaking. I don't think anyone speaks to the person while they are interacting with them online. 

                    Yes the technology is definitely great to our society. It will advance our planet to many new things that we will keep on discovering. But, technology is probably not one of the best ways to be nicer to another. When you are talking to someone online, you have no idea what their facial expressions are unless you are skyping. For example, one person might say "LOL", but not mean it at all. They will probably type that without an expression on their face. I don't know about you, but that seems a little fake to me. There a bunch of fake people online. That is one of the biggest things I hate. You aren't sure who you're talking to. Yes for most cases you are talking to your friends, but if you're talking a stranger you want to meet, you cannot trust their profile that they set up. With more and more fake people, this draws people farther apart, thus summing up that some people will not be nicer than in the past. I personally like talking to my friends online because it is such an easy way to interact with one another. This does not mean I'm actually close to a lot of friends though. I have talked to people online and have yet to see or meet them in person yet! 

                    I think the biggest reason why people were nicer in the past than nowadays is that without the technology, one must find a way by themselves to interact with one another. I've heard many stories from my father of when he had ridden his bike to his best friend's house and hung out and did their own thing then. Without technology, the people could come up with many numerous ways of keeping each other busy or even having fun. Some kids used to go outside and play all the time and come home for dinner all sweaty and tired but with a huge smile on their faces. Nowadays, what most kids call fun is playing xbox live with other kids online or streaming the net doing what they do. This just secludes one from other people! Yes you may learn more about things from the internet, but the closeness of people definitely has a part in the niceness of the person. Small villages, is probably another reason for why people were nicer in the past then now. The small villages brought people closer together and if it is a small town, everyone knows everyone. This will make people more comfortable with one another, thus being nice to each other. Nowadays, if you go to places like New York, no one cares about you. They are all doing their own thing and expect you to be doing your own thing as well. The world has definitely changed greatly, but I hope that this does not affect the people so much. It is important to be advanced in technology to explore many new things, but the connection between humans is also a very important thing to have. 

Favorite Superhero

My Favorite Superhero is....
          A superhero is a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers. There are a bunch of superheroes that have been made by a number of different authors. There is Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man, and many many more. There are even games for some superheroes. Plenty of movies for the famous superheroes too. To me, every superhero needs a villain to be called a superhero. If there is not villain, what will the superhero do to make him so heroic? Most of the superhero moves do not interest me much, but if I had to choose one superhero it has got to be Iron Man. To me, Iron Man is actually pretty amusing. He is very smart and has a ton of money so he can build whatever comes to mind. And his work is one of the most high tech out of all the superheroes. Even in Avenger's, he seems like the better superhero. 

                    Iron Man is my favorite superhero because he is more realistic than the Wolverine or Spiderman. Having metal blades slide out of your hands and getting healed from every wound you get is really cool, but not really realistic. Having a spider come down and bite your neck is definitely possible. However, having spider like symptoms and shooting out spider web from your wrists 100 feet out is really stretching it. Ofcourse they're very interesting characters to me, but they just aren't realistic. With Iron Man, he actually doesn't have a real superpower. He isn't superhuman. He is just an extremely bright man with a lot of money that can build high tech defence suits that can fight against villains from wherever. It can also fly and has many other cool specs. The suit also comes to him when he calls it and immediately transforms onto him. The high technology that Iron Man gives, is definitely another reason why he is my favorite superhero. From all the technology that the suit gives him, to the house that he has. His work area is definitely one of the best work areas ever. With all that technology and knowledge, great things will come. 

                    I actually did not know there were Iron Man comics. I did not even know Iron Man existed until the first movie had came out. The movie was good. Two and Three were worth watching too if I recall correctly. Out of the 3 movies, my favorite was probably the third one. It was the most exciting to me. The action was great and graphics were definitely amazing to watch. On the third movie however, he decides to stop being Iron Man. This must have been a sad moment for all the die hard fans for Iron Man out there, but I thought it was a good timing to end. I personally believe that the series will continue, but with a different Iron Man perhaps. Or Iron Man is pressured to come back because some great villain is out there. 

                    Iron Man is my favourite superhero because if I could choose to be any super hero I would most likely choose Iron Man. Who wouldn't want to? You get to wear high tech suits that can do amazing things, have a colossal amount of money to spend on any thing I can imagine, and can get the girls. To me, this has got to be the life to live. Plus saving lives, this makes it a dream life. The work area has got to be a fun experience too. Having a personal servant that does whatever you say is really cool too. Without pay to add. Iron Man had built the robotic servant by himself and to me, that is something really worth doing.