Wednesday 28 August 2013

Which of the seven sins am I most guilty of?

The Seven Deadly Sins

           The seven deadly sins are greed, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth, wrath, and pride/vanity. Others might think that I'm one or more of the sins, but to me I believe that I commit envy or sloth as the most sins. Envy is jealousy or wanting to have what someone else has and Sloth is being to slow or lazy at doing something. 

          I would say that I commit the sin of envy because whenever there is someone with new stuff, I suddenly imagine myself with that certain object and see how it'll look like. I don't ever take it though. I am not that kind of person. Stealing to me is just one of the most horrible things you can do since you are taking from another. Being stole from is one of the worst things that has happened to me. Anyways, I tend to think for a couple of days when a person gets something new, that I would want it. This feeling usually doesn't last long and it wouldn't matter if I actually get the object. If I had received the object the second I had thought about it, I would most likely lose interest in the object quickly. Unless the object is something that really interests me, then I would do my best and try to get the object. For example, I remember one time in the third grade one of my best friends has gotten these really cool new shoes to school and was flaunting them off. I immediately went to my mom and pretty much begged for them. The very next day I had gotten them. I really regret getting them because I had lost interest in them after a few days! That was long before, and now I do not do those things. I only imagine about it. It's not a thing I can control really. It is sort of like an automatic response to things and then it just goes away. If I was able to control envy, it would be a whole lot better. Also, it's not like I get pissed or throw a fit if I don't get the things other people get. 

          Next, I would have to probably say that a small part of me commits the sin of sloth. I am not a typically sloth person though. I am very active with sports or exercises and actually enjoy it, but when it comes to work.... yeah. I am a huge procrastinator. It has become sort of a bad habit of mine. If I have school work, it will take a lot of motivation to start on it. This was last year however. I would do pretty much everything I could before I start on my home work. But, once I get started on it, I finish quickly and don't have a problem. I rarely don't finish work unless I really do not get the concept or if I didn't remember the work. It is really easy to motivate me, but for me, keeping that motivation and turning it into a dedication is what's hard. For example, working out. When I first started to, I would barely do anything. I would always put it off and find other things to do. Now, I really enjoy it actually. I do it quite a lot and am very pleased with what it comes with. Homework is pretty much the same. In freshman or sophomore year, I wouldn't really take my work as serious I could have. Yes I got good grades, but I could've gotten better if I had actually taken the time. This year, I have been better at studying more and doing the work at hand. 

          Although I say these are the sins that I commit, it is not like I am a regular at committing them. It is just a once in a while sort of thing, and it has nothing to do with who I really am. It isn't like I have a problem that I need to fix as soon as possible. It isn't anything major so I don't worry much about it. 

1 comment:

  1. You are guilty of all things Jehn Joyner ! The Cucumbers see everything.
