Wednesday 21 August 2013

New Year's Resolution

New Years Resolutions

          A new year's resolution is a promise that one makes to themselves or decision to do something to do something, especially to improve one's behavior or lifestyle in someway during the year ahead. Personally I believe that it's a great way not only to keep one busy, but to help raise self esteem if the goal is actually accomplished. I always have a number of resolutions I make at the beginning of the year or even throughout the year but I'm going to discuss three of them here. 

          My first resolution is to excel in all my classes, but mainly my AP classes. I probably made the mistake of not studying hard enough in my AP class last year and got the results I deserved. This year, I promised myself that I will try my hardest to get a 3 in both my AP May exams and also get straight A's in my regular classes. I think tests are horrible, but are also a great way to boost one's self esteem. Everyone knows the feeling you get when you get a perfect score on a test or when you beat the smartest person in the class on a test. That's one of the greater feelings I experience! It is definitely better than failing a test or having the lowest score in the class.

        My second resolution is to get a job. I really want to get paid and use my own money for certain things rather than going to my parents all the time and asking for money. It makes me feel sort of childish or even brought down because I don't want to be dependent on my parents for my whole life. I want to prove to them that I can get money on my own and live life on 
my own and also to show them that I'm ready for college. I'm not too sure exactly where I wanna work just yet, but I do have a couple of places in mind. For example, working at Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren at DFS. One reason why I want to work here is that these places are a good tourist attraction and meeting tourists can lead to many great things. I can also tell them a lot about me and vice versa. Who knows too, I might be able a rich famous person or even a cute girl. Another reason why I want to work here is that if I work there, I can probably be able to get a discount on some of the merchandise there. This is great because Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren are great factory lines and are among my favorite brands. Another big reason why these places catch my eye is because since they are expensive and famous brands, I'm guessing that they have a higher pay than most places. This will make me earn more money than usual first-timers who will most likely earn minimum wage. 

          My third and final new year's resolution that I will include in this blog is that I want to be fit and ready for next year's EAFF Men's tournament. This is a soccer tournament that occurs every 2 years I believe. It stands for the East Asian Football Federation soccer tournament and the men's division usually consists of the usual countries of Macau, Guam, and the Northern Marianas Islands. I have a feeling that our team will do really well in the tournament next year. With a couple of quality off-island players that will be eligible to join the team to help us out, but the strongest reason why I believe we can do well is that we have one solid keeper. He's a former pro that played in the MLS and also the EPL. Both my dream leagues to play in (not including the J League) He's a great player and and even better person. I've learned a lot from him and he has pushed me a lot and I love that. I want to be ready for this tournament by gaining more muscle, getting better shots or ball touches, and most importantly ever lasting stamina. 


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