Thursday 12 December 2013

What do I believe about art?

This is the last blog I will be writing for Mr. Lee’s class this semester and I believe for the whole Junior year. Finallyyyyy. It has been a good run writing these blogs and I will definitely remember these. Today’s prompt is asking what do I believe about art. Well to me, art is a different type of interpretation for people to express themselves, feelings or maybe emotions. There are many different arts out there that are extremely famous and can be sold for over one million dollars. Crazy in my opinion. Just recently I stumbled upon a post on Facebook that said an art exhibit just sold for over 40 million dollars. Well guess what, it was literally only two colors: blue and black. It was a black background and had a blue line down the middle of the art. I thought this was totally absurd. Seems like if you make art for a living you might have a chance to make quite some money.

Obviously there are many different types of arts. There is the art of kung fu, art of magic, and many others. In this instance, I am talking about the art that people paint, draw, sketch, etc. I will also consider music to be in this blog. I believe that art is a way to express ones feelings. In a song, an artist can express the mood to the song so perfectly that it can relate to millions of people around the world. This is probably different in the case of art of drawing because people will have different perspectives of the art. Some might think of an artwork that was intended to be sad as happy and vice versa.

One thing I really hate about having an art class in school is that a teacher is grading you on your art. Well if they are the ones that grade you for what is supposedly your art, it isn’t really your art anymore. It is the teachers art because they decide whether it is good or not and grade you on it. I believe that is horrible and that is why I truly hate having art classes with a passion. Also because I am terrible at drawing and do not like having to show a teacher my horrible art. On the other hand, schools that have the art of music, as a non-mandatory class is great in my opinion. Believe it or not, but I used to be in the school band when I was in the 4th grade. It was a great time because we got to express the music on the sheet but in our own different ways.

The Meaning of Life

Many people have different interpretations of the meaning of life. It really does not matter what you think is the meaning of life, because it is your life. The only important thing is that you truly believe that that is the honest meaning of life. Personally, I believe the meaning of life is to pursue ones dreams or goals. I say this because what’s the point in life if you do not set goals that you aim to achieve. Without goals, you would not know what to do with your life. That is why it is important to have goals that can be achievable and then you work your way everyday until you achieve that goal. Once you achieved that one goal, no matter how long it takes, you should come up with a new goal for you to achieve.

There are many different goals that people can set for themselves throughout their lifetime. There can be goals that are extremely difficult to achieve and may possibly take a whole lifetime to finally surpass or minor goals that are difficult, but easier to accomplish. I am the type that has both types of goals in my mind right now. A common goal that people have, that is a lifetime type of goal, is wanting to raise a family of one’s own with the person that they love. Raising a family definitely cannot be done so simply. Well it actually can, but it is certainly better to have some thought of it and actually wanting to have a family. Many people do not plan to have kids, but end up having a child or two and then boom, a new family. This might cause problems between the parents because they were not planning on raising a family just yet. Some people will live up to the decision and step up and raise an amazing family. On the other hand, other people will get scared of the reality and try to run away and avoid all problems that come to them. Well, when you do not face your problems, they will never go away. A minor goal that can be achieved by someone might be something like get 6 pack abs. Almost every guy who does not have a 6 pack say that they want one. Well it isn’t going to happen on its own so the person should get up and try to achieve their goal! Without that there is no meaning in life in my opinion. Going to the gym everyday and working on the parts of the body that you want to make like the picture in your head will definitely help.

Goals cannot be achieved just by doing. You must believe that you can do it. That is the first step before anything else can happen. If one cannot truly believe that they can achieve a certain type of goal, there is no way that they can achieve it. For example there are many people who tell me that I can’t make anything out of soccer and that I should just quit. But I don’t let anyone stop me because I actually do believe that if I work hard enough that I will definitely be able to achieve one of my lifetime goals. And once I actually do achieve that goal, I will be in a state of extreme happiness and will then set further goals for me to achieve after.

What do I believe about justice?

Today’s prompt is a pretty difficult one this time. Justice is finding out what is right and what is wrong. There are many different ways of looking at certain things. From one’s point of view, they may think that a certain thing is totally right, while another person may believe that a certain thing is so wrong. Or a person may believe that the justice system in the United States is the one and only justice system that is strong and correct. There are four different levels in the justice system: authority, democracy, traditional, and rationality.

From the authority point of view, you are forced to do something because someone said so. When you are a child and your mother tells you what to wear to school, that is an example of authority justice. You don’t know the difference from what is right and wrong, so you have no other choice but to listen to your mother. The authority in justice may not always be correct also. The authorities are not always true because they can’t be right all the time. There are many views on certain things and an authority cannot be correct all the time.

From the democracy point of view, you are forced to do something because the majority of people do it too. You are a follower. If you think of wearing a hat backwards, but then witness all of your friends wearing their hats forwards faced front, you will then face your hat forward. Following the majority of people’s decision may not always be reliable because they can also be wrong as well. However, you do not mind that and still follow the majority of people.

From a traditional point of view, you are forced to do something because that has been your tradition for the past time. When you are deciding whether to wear your hat frontwards or backwards and then you remember how your grandfather would always wear his hat backwards, you will then wear your hat backwards. The traditional point of view is also not a reliable way of justice. The tradition could be entirely wrong and you have been doing the wrong thing for quite some time, yet you still do it because of the tradition it has carried with it.

Finally, from the rationality point of view, this is solely based upon ones own mindset. If you think you should wear your hat to the side, wear your hat to the side. This may not be a reliable way of justice either, but it expresses independence. Independence is really important in ones self. Having a strong independence can overcome any type of justice there is. If you truly believe that what you do is correct and have no worries, justice will come upon you. Justice will be served if you are the one that truly believes in your own actions. Instead of being a follower like the democracy point of view, you are a leader. Leading the way for certain beliefs is really important. One must not give in to follow a certain trend just because the majority of people do it as well. That should be the reason why they DO NOT do that. There are followers in the world and there are leaders.

Depending on whatever type of justice you believe in, make sure you truly believe in it. It doesn’t necessarily matter if it is right or not for other people’s views; it only seriously matters if you believe it is right or not. If you actually believe in your decision, you must stay true to it and stand by it.

What do I believe about truth?

Todays prompt is talking about what I believe about truth. Truth is an important aspect in people’s relationship. One must tell the truth to be trusted. When people find out that a person is a liar, it is really hard to regain that same trust that was once there. It is like breaking a glass vase. You can always fix the glass and it is probably going to take a real long time to fix, but even when it is fixed it just isn’t the same as it was before.

Telling the truth is always the right thing. Even when it all seems wrong, it is always the right thing. When you tell the truth, you won’t be in trouble. I have told the truth and have had people not believe me a whole lot of times. I really don’t care if the person believes me or “buys what I’m selling”, because it is nothing but the truth. People who refuse to believe the truth that comes out of people’s mouths are just stubborn. They think they are the best at everything and are right all the time, but in reality they just want power over everyone else. That’s just not right at all. Who are you to even say what’s right or not. I especially hate it when I have told nothing else but the truth to a person and yet they still refuse to believe me.

There have been many times where I have had the choice to tell the truth or to lie, and believe it or not I mostly tell the truth. Yes of course I have lied a few times in my life but who has not? Sometimes the truth just simply hurts and a small lie is needed. There are times when people should not know the real truth of something and are lied to because of that. For example, if your four-year-old child asks you where babies come from or how do you make a baby; that is a clear moment when you are to lie. If you tell the child the truth, it will be all too weird for the child. He or she is just not old enough to know that truth yet, but when the child grows up he or she will get it. Sometimes lying is needed for people not to get hurt either. However, people who don’t tell the truth ever or just always lie, they are the people that screw up relationships. I have stumbled upon many people who have lied straight to my face and I knew exactly at that moment that they were lying. It really irritates me from how they just can’t simple tell the truth.

Being truthful is going to get you a lot of respect from people. If you have been truthful for most of your life, many people around you will trust you. Your reputation will excel and that is definitely a good thing. One must remember to tell the truth most of their life because it is a good deed. Truth is one of the most important factors in a relationship.  Without truth, there is not trust. Without trust there is no us. Without us, there is no u (you). Therefore, just tell the truth! Nothing is hard about not telling the truth. If you tell the truth all the time you will have no problem and it is only up to the people around you to choose whether they believe you or not. Personally, I believe that the people who don’t believe the truth so easily are just rude people.

Sunday 1 December 2013

How do I connect with others?

Today’s prompt asks how does one connect with others. This is the first time I’ve come upon this great question and am unsure on how to answer it. There is connection amongst people in the world, but what is it exactly? I believe the invention of technology has brought a greater connection amongst people in the world. There are many ways a person can connect with another person through technology. The use of a telephone and Internet are the two main ways in which human beings can connect with one another through technology.

With the telephone or cellphone device, one can easily call the person they wish to and talk to them just by dialing numbers on the screen and pressing call. The connection is almost as if the people were right next to each other and having a conversation. Phone calls go through the satellite system that is out in space and because of this technology; people can talk to one another as if they were in the same room when they could actually be hundreds of thousands of miles away. A person from the United States can make a call all the way to a person in Japan without ease. 

Through the Internet, connection among people has become greater and greater. Not too long ago, the Internet did not even exist. Nowadays, pretty much everyone that knows how to function a laptop or cellphone can use the Internet. There are many websites on the Internet that allow people to connect with each other. There are the social websites such as Facebook or twitter where people can express what they want to say about themselves and share that experience with other people who use the same website. I personally have a Facebook and a twitter and have gotten to connect with many people whom I never expected to connect with.

Another way that people can connect with each other is through face-to-face contact. This is truly the best way to connect in my opinion because you get to see the person’s emotions and how they express their words. If you are chatting with a person through the Internet, it is totally different when you talk to a person in person. I know a couple of people who are the best to talk to online, but when it comes in person, they are so shy and quiet. Although recent technologies have made it become able for people to video chat. This is done when two or more people who all have a webcam set up on their laptop can connect with another by turning on the webcam and speaking to each other. They can see what the other person is wearing or even what they are trying to say. I know for a fact that not everyone who types “lol” actually laughs out loud every single time they type it. However, through the video chat, one can see when or if a person actually laughs or not. I remember one time video chatting with a person who’s speakers did not work so she had to type everything she wanted to say while I simply spoke. She wrote “lol” a couple of times but I did not see her laugh in her facial expressions.

There are many ways in which people can connect in the world, but I believe that recent technology has brought that connection to such a great standard. With the technology advancing everyday, I believe great things can happen. However, I still believe that face-to-face contact is truly the best way to connect with one another in the world.

It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. Agree or disagree?

Today’s prompt asks whether I believe that it is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. I truly agree with that. I believe that it is also very important to explore the world because one must know the many surprises or adventures that are held with the world.

Living in one city or town (or island for my instance) is a better choice than moving form one place to another. For the first reason, if you have stayed in one city or town rather than move from place to place, you will remember that one place as your absolute home. There is no place like home. Home is probably the best place to be when you’re in need of some help. Your home has everything you need, whenever you need. Growing up in a city or town throughout your life is definitely going to stick to you whether you want it to or not. You will remember what happened in certain places of the town and it will bring back many memories for you to endure. If you move from place to place often, you wont be sure what exactly is your true home. Having a house is different than having a home. A house is just a building that you buy or rent, but having a home is a special place. Home is where everything can be ok and nothing can go wrong. Home is where you were made up to be who you are in the future.

My second reason for why I would choose living in one city or town rather than move from one place to another often is because when you stay in one city you don’t have to change your appearance all the time, but you just have to be yourself. The problem with moving from one place to another is that your environment will change every time you move to a different place. This can cause a change in you as well. If you go to a place where all the guys wear tank tops, you will most likely be oppressed and start to wear only tank tops. The community and environment has a great impact on each and every one of our lives and staying in one city will give you a chance to save the trouble and just be whom you are. Instead of trying to fit in, make other people want to fit into you and your group.

My last reason for choosing to live in one city or town rather than move from one place to another often is because moving can be very stressful. Plus, what’s the point of doing certain things if people already know how their outcome will turn out. It is too much of a hassle to move him from place to place because you have to start out as the ‘new guy’. You will need to find your certain group in school or among adults, but once you find them, leaving them will be the next hard part. Also, knowing that you won’t be at the school for a lot longer, but having to move to another place by a given date is a bad thing to do. You will go through the “break ups” that the children nowadays come up with on many different occasions.

In conclusion, I believe that staying in one city or island rather than moving from place to play is truly important. If one stays at their home everyday, they should go on many vacations as well. Exploring the world is also a really important factor in life.